• Category : SERVICE

Urban Planning:

Architecture on its own does not work. Design without context is not only difficult, it often leads to the wrong solution. Architecture works not by itself, knowledge of the bigger picture is often required. Happiness is key. Some cities are considered liveable, some are less. What makes a city liveable is hard to find. Often it is located in the soul of the city.

What do people feel and what drives them on a day to day business. When I got the time I try to look deeper into this.

Form Follows… Location?
Throughout history we have seen good and bad buildings. If that’s a way to state this. Historical architectural masterpieces are the icons of its time period. Often people forget that the place makes the building. Villa Savoye would not be as iconic if it was located in the center of paris. Or maybe it would. It is not me to judge. Especially now in modern times it is important to know at least parts of nearby fields of expertise.